Zalto Champagne Flute


When you have a great wine it should be served in a great glass. This Champagne flute is the perfect shape and volume for Champagne or any sparkling wine for that matter. Zalto are mouth-blown glass of exquisite finesse.

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More Information

Jancis Robinson: “… my current favourite glasses have taken me into a whole new territory of sensual pleasure. Zalto glasses…are hand-blown, do not contain lead oxide so do not get cloudy, and combine an angular bowl shape with the thinnest glass I have yet come across.”

Key points about Zalto glasses:

• Zalto is an astonishing new range of mouth-blown glasses from one of Austria’s finest small glass blowing houses.
• They are lead oxide free which results in a lighter and more flexible glass that does not leach lead and will not typically cloud in the dishwasher.
• Despite their remarkable lightness and ultra-fine edges, they are surprisingly resilient. They can be washed in a dishwasher and are made for daily use.
• If you feel compelled to polish your glasses, we strongly suggest using the two cloth method as the stem is the weakest point of the glass. We can also provide Zalto polishing cloths on request, subject to availability.
• They have been designed to maximise the aromas and flavours of the world’s beverages by Austrian wine guru Hans Denk.
• Zalto glasses work – they have recently topped the most comprehensive and thorough international testing of wine stemware against all comers. The judging panel was extremely experienced and included George Riedel himself!