2020 Castello di Tassarolo Spinola Gavi


The 20 hectares of vines of the Marchioness Spinola vineyard allow the selection of the finest Cortese grapes resulting in a clear bright wine of pale straw yellow in colour with greenish shadows. It has an intense aroma with floral notes of orange blossom & comomile. Fresh fragrant and light.

Irrelevant fun fact Gavi remains one of my favourite white wines..so pure & precise whilst remaining delicate and interesting at the same time..just love it!

Only 1 left in stock

More Information

Castello di Tassarolo Spinola Gavi is made with 100% Cortese di Gavi grapes. The vineyard is at 300m above sea level and the soil is marl with clayey silt. Current owners Massimiliana and Henry converted the land to Biodynamics in 2006 developing the vitality of the soil and nurturing the ecosystems within the vineyard in order to bring them back to life. They believe ‘good wine is made before it enters the cellar’.

The Spinola Gavi has been naturally fermented and is certified organic. Every care has been taken in the vineyard and cellar for this wine to be a true expression of its varietal and the land in which it comes from. No sulphites have been added in the cellar. The Spinola Gavi is light, fresh and persistent perfect as an aperitivo or to accompany lighter style dishes.

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